Healthy Kids, Happy Parents

Are you a parent who's interested in keeping your kids healthy Without using antibiotics? Have you ever wondered how long it’s safe to wait, before getting medication? Do you want to know more about how to cultivate a strong immune system for your kids? Are you looking for safe effective, natural alternatives? This is your […]

Special Event – Chiro Peak Training – Dr. Suzan Rossi

A one time event, receive all the chiropractic practice training Dr. Suzan Rossi can give in one day. This will be available live and online. Gems will be dished out... Do not miss this. Contact Dr. Suzan at to register. Saturday March 2nd, contact for timing details

Special Talk: Health Resilience Training

Weather is made up of different components; humidity, temperature, precipitation, etc..., so what are we talking about when we say "it's nice weather today"? It's the same for health. It's made of different components and how we think about those components, whether we are aware of it or not, will determine what we do... And […]

Special Talk: Digestive Health – Naturally

Learn how to effectively, gently and naturally improve digestion. There is more brain power committed to this function than anything else your body does. Mood, energy, inflammation and so much more come from your digestion. improve this for yourself! come and find out how. By Dr. Brigitte Rossi, Wednesday, March 13th 6:30 pm. Free admission, […]