Immune System; Peaceful and Strong

What follows below is a small excerpt from the class held in our office on Feb 6th 2020.
      In regard to fevers, we all know that your body is heating up to fight off something, but why does it heat up? What does that do exactly? Your amazing brain has miles of nerves and sensors keeping track of things inside of you.  Controlling exactly when and how the best responses should happen. Here’s some related info:
1/10,000,000g of bacterial waste (basically bacterial ‘poo’) is enough for the brain to detect, and tell the body to start fighting the bugs with a fever.
Along with shivering, every 10 beats per minute increased heart rate causes 1 degree increased heat.  Although you’re getting hotter, your brain tricks you into feeling chills, and thus bundle up to keep the extra heat.
Like Popeye got stronger with spinach, each 1 degree increase of body temperature strengthens the immune system by 10%.
   As the heat continues to bolster you, those little invaders are being cooked.  Bacteria and viruses are much more sensitive to heat than you are.  And while you’re getting stronger, they’re getting slower and weaker as the fever burns.  Your white blood cells signal to your brain what kind of progress they’re making in the fight, and the intensity of the fever is monitored very closely.  Once the heat is no longer necessary the fever breaks.  Your skin immediately flushes, you feel hot and throw off the covers and sweat. You naturally dissipate heat this way 10 times quicker than it took to build up, and there is no need for cool baths and such…
If you’re interested in more please check out the talk on Youtube here.  I also do address methods of calming the body, that makes a difference in the way the immune system plays a part in cancer and auto-immune diseases.